A professional playground for knowledge sharing and learning
Fairground is a professional playground designed to ignite knowledge sharing and learning. Packed with engaging activities and assignments, the format blends purpose-driven tasks with gamification elements.
Together, we define the learning goals and design interactive activities to achieve them, ensuring an exciting mix of play and learning.
Participants explore the Fairground in small groups, moving through activities guided by a custom app – developed in-house by PLUS Agency.
The app uses a smart algorithm (custom set-up for each case) to track progress and assign each group’s next activity, ensuring a varied and balanced experience for all groups.
Timing is flexible: each group decide when to move on, typically spending 8–15 minutes at each station.
This dimension of self-determination is crucial for participants’ enjoyment and engagement. Unlike traditional formats where attendees are herded like conference cattle, Fairground allows for a more relaxed, self-directed flow that keeps energy high and spirits uplifted.
A large Fairground, such as for 500 participants, requires approximately 90 stations to keep everyone engaged. To meet this scale, we design around 25 unique activities, which are multiplied to cover all stations.
We have some very popular evergreen activities that can be customized to suit almost any subject. And when your needs call for something completely unique, we design new activities from scratch.
We collaborate with you, combining your expertise with our creative design skills to create meaningful and relevant tasks.
Learn more about our activity library.
The Fairground concept earned PLUS Agency the Danish Meeting Planners Association’s Oscar.
PLUS Agency received the Danish Meeting Planners Association’s Oscar for the Fairground concept.
Explore some of the cases using the Fairground format here:
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