Featured Publications:
Hansen, Nicoline Jacoby (2008): “Conferences as a Dramatic Learning Space: The Case of the ECCI X Conference.” Paper presented at: Art of Management and Organization Conference, The Banff Centre, Canada, September 9-12, 2008.
Petersen, Nicoline Jacoby & Sille Østergaard (2005): “Organizational Photography: A “Snapshot” Approach to Understanding Knowledge Sharing”. In: Challenges and Issues in Knowledge Management, Anthony F. Buono & Flemming Poulfelt (eds.). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing, pp. 229-248.
Petersen, Nicoline Jacoby & Flemming Poulfelt (2002): “Knowledge Management in Action – a Study of Knowledge Management in Management Consultancies”. In: Developing Knowledge and Value in Management Consulting, Anthony F. Buono (eds.). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing, pp. 33-60.
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