Hooks: Setting the stage for an impactful day

Hook example: Couples’ therapy between colleagues

Why is a hook so important?

The first paragraph in a book.

The first note in a song.

The opening scene of a movie.

These moments set the tone, spark curiosity, and demand attention. Will it be heartfelt? Funny? Thrilling? And what comes next?!

In dramaturgy, this is called the hook—a captivating opening act that draws the audience in.

Similarly, the start of a conference is just as important. It also determines whether participants will lean forward with anticipation and engage actively – or zone out and retreat into their smartphones…

Hook example: The fake speaker

Shape your conference culture

A great hook isn’t just about being flashy. Opening with an unrelated spectacle – like a music act or dance performance – risks feeling like empty entertainment.

Instead, your hook should align with the event’s purpose, setting a tone that’s both exciting and meaningful.

Hook example: An audio story

The definition of a great hook

A great conference opening acts like a stock cube: it distills the essence of the day’s topic into something sharp, concise, and full of flavor. 

Participants should immediately grasp why they’re there and understand how they make a difference by attending – that they are needed!

Hook example: The MC on the hunt to find the internal culture

Breaking news

Company news with a fun twist

Dissatisfied citizens

Interviews with citizens that have a complaint regarding welfare services

User story

A product user with an intimate health care need tells her story

Let’s craft a hook that captivates.

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